

Sitting down to dinner last night after an afternoon of intense thunderstorms, lightning and pouring rain, we noticed that things seemed to be getting even worse. My husband thought we should turn on the weather news, and at that moment his phone alerted him that the weather was about to be more severe. As we left our food on the table, went into the living room, and turned on the television, we were startled to see that the prediction was for a tornado basically just a few hundred yards away from our home and coming our way. We hurried to the basement and sat there listening to the news give way to the dreaded blaring warning system without the accompanying “this is only a test.”

Although we heard two loud groaning noises, unlike any we had ever encountered before, the storm passed overhead and went on to threaten the neighboring towns to the east. We emerged from the basement, surveyed the yard, and went back to our meal. Save for many cardinal flowers now lying prone, we escaped any real damage. Fortunately, though they appeared on radar, no tornadoes actually touched ground in any Connecticut towns last night.

I had always thought tornadoes were storms of the American Midwest, such as the one in the Wizard of Oz in Kansas. But it turns out that very localized tornadoes do hit New England from time to time, doing intense damage but in very limited areas. I am grateful that the alert system now sends messages to cell phones as well as televisions. We were informed, safe and dry for a tense few minutes. Fortunately only our heart rate and blood pressure showed any effects!


40 thoughts on ““Tornado!!??”

  1. Wow, so glad to hear you are okay! It’s good they have warning systems in place and also good that you have a basement to go to. I have yet to see a tornado (thankfully) though they do occasionally touch down here in the Pacific NW.


  2. Sounds scary and glad you had no damage. Looking at your map, and also other maps, I’m impressed by the English place names in the area and their strange juxtapositions. Probably showing my ignorance of Connecticut and U.S. generally.


  3. Very pleased to hear that you did not suffer the worst of that tornado.
    Writing from England, it feels weird to see such familiar place names completely out of context.
    Best wishes, Pete.


  4. I live in earthquake country now (California), but I spent eight years of my childhood in the Dakotas. I remember several times going to the basement and listening to the reports on the radio with my family. It was especially scary when we heard a tornado had struck a nearby city. Thankfully, I never had to live through an actual tornado, although Once I saw the very distinctive looking funnel cloud in the distance.


  5. Sounds terrifying. Our windstorms are getting worse and more frequent and we occasionally get a minor earth tremor here in the UK, and of course, some flooding, but on the whole, we’ve been spared anything more apocalyptic… so far.


  6. Sounds like a scary experience. Echoing others, I’m glad you are safe and indeed, that no one appears to have been hurt in the area affected. Though it proved unnecessary on this ocasion, what an effective and impressive warning system you have in place. And again, like others, how strange to see a plethora of English placenames!


      1. No problem, Elizabeth. We pride ourselves on not being politically correct.

        Actually, we are a step above the “trailer” level. We joke, that we have graduated to the “modular home” level. In actuallity, it’s just two trailers nailed together, and still has wheels.

        They even charge a little more for the lot, maybe because we make a bigger mess, when a tornado hits. 🙂


  7. Whew! Living in the Inland NW, I’ve never seen or heard a tornado, but I’m sure I’d be terrified. Happy to hear it didn’t touch down in your neighborhood.


      1. Yes. My daughters room imploded. But she had already come to my room
        Had she still been in her room, it would have been tragic. A house is just a house and I was blessed that my family was safe


  8. Wonderful writing Elizabeth! I have never seen a Tornado, just rains. For the first time, I can understand a little how it feels like to face one. Thank you!


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