“January 26, 1953”


She was a lovely little sister, born when I was 5, left this earth when I was 70. You don’t expect to outlive a younger sibling. Patsy had the sweetest heart of the four of us, quick to laugh, slow to disagree. Her life was filled with many tragedies, but she really did keep that same smile she showed as a very big(nearly 10 pounds) baby.

Thinking of you Sis. Loving you from this plane to the one you now joyfully inhabit.

34 thoughts on ““January 26, 1953”

  1. What a lovely tribute to your sister! All the photos are wonderful. I especially liked the one of you holding her when she was an infant. You both were so adorable.


  2. Lovely photographs. I lost my younger brother too, he was 36. I struggle to believe that I’m the only one now left from my childhood home.


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