“Calm In The Storm”


Around the world a lot of people are either ill, waiting to be ill, afraid of being ill, getting over being ill or being gravely ill. Everywhere in our country there is an abundance of panic. A close friend just returned from the grocery store where she said the shelves were stripped of many items and people were clearly acting irrationally.

I am seeking ways to remain as calm as is possible, despite the widespread hysteria. I am not consistently successful! But among the things I am not worried about:

  • Running out of toilet paper. A new phone book will be delivered any day.
  • Running out of books to read. I have a pile of books I have never gotten to!
  • Having no choices of things to watch. Netflix and Amazon could keep me entertained forever.
  • Being socially isolated. It is spring now and I can walk outside while I am healthy.
  • Having no one to talk to. My friends are a phone call away.
  • Having no on-line connections. My readership keeps climbing and I have a group of blogging friends.

For those of you who have a faith life, you will know of the many ways I experience moments of calm through prayer and reading.

Panic disturbs the body and doesn’t help protect us in this crisis. I hope we can continue to help each other calm down. None of us has control over the disease. We can attempt to corral in our own fear and seek rest in these times. Peace friends.


27 thoughts on ““Calm In The Storm”

  1. You have chosen a very apposite image for panic, Elizabeth…. As you say, panic disturbs our bodies, and doesn’t help in a crisis. Like you, I am finding ways to keep calm, know my friends are on the end of a phone or online, and I have plenty of books, music etc


  2. Excellent observation. If we have our health, we can deal with closed libraries, movie theatres, physical social isolation and much more. In comparison so those who are sick (with the virus or anything else), we are very, very lucky.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s interesting to follow the behavior of people in such a situation. We also have plenty of examples in our town of people hoarding supplies. In other ways, things seem quite normal. I go to a gym 4-5 days per week, and there are just as many people going as before. I wonder where we’ll be at in the next week or two.


  4. It’s been a strange week to be sure. Here in the Seattle area the elderly have been hit the hardest and it’s important to be vigilant. We are exercising the suggested practices, social distancing, hand washing, etc. and are stocked with the important things. Other than that what can we do? It is beyond our control. So we rest within by faith.


  5. Speaking of books, there are thousands more to read…just waiting. As long as there is wifi here, I am okay. I’ve done my groceries, bought a sack of rice too. Keep the faith!


  6. I share your lack of concern about toilet paper. Over half the world life happility and healthily in its absence. As I grew up our toilet paper was nailed to wall and also had the last weeks news printed on it. It gave you something to read while in the smallest room. Indeed, the tabloid paper was better than the dreaded shiny medicated izal paper (Perhaps only Brit swill understand this horror)


  7. In many ways it is easier to deal with this issue if you are retired, Elizabeth. My boys still have school and my husband and I both work. Our local schools and work places are not yet closed. The impact of all of this on the world’s economy is rather a gloomy thought.


  8. You’re right. I’m lucky that I can work from home (thanks to the wonders of modern technology); if my kids have to be at all then I will try to homeschool them with the help of the internet (my oldest has his GSCEs coming up, which is a bit of a worry but as we’re all in this together something will be done to make sure all those taking public exams aren’t unduly affected, somehow); I too have a pile of books and I can get out into the countryside to walk, run or cycle. As I’m not self-employed I will also be OK money-wise, and it looks as if the Government has put things in place to help those who are self-employed and whose earnings are affected.

    It will affect the worldwide economy, but perhaps it’s the thing which will stop us always wanting growth, always wanting more, and consuming too much: the satellite photos of the effect on pollution over Italy are amazing. Goodness knows I don’t want anyone to suffer but maybe there’s a silver lining to it all – at least for a short time until we fall back into our old ways.


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