“Revisiting the Like Button”

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In one of my first posts three years ago I wrote about the “like” button on WordPress. At the time I was concerned that I might be writing in order to be liked. I was intent on not doing that. Recently several different blogs I follow have either removed the like button from their page or questioned the usefulness of it. I thought I would bring my current thinking to this post

Visitors to my page are either recorded as visits, likes or comments. I always have more visits than likes and more likes than comments. Some people suspect that readers may just click like without reading the post and don’t want that option. I find, however, that I appreciate both likes and comments. Frequently someone I follow and know I am followed by just clicks “like.” I am glad to see that they dropped by. Other times I get a “like” from a new reader. This allows me to check out their blog. I have found interesting writers who simply “liked” my post but didn’t comment on it. I rarely check “like” when I read a post, preferring to comment, but I am happy to get any response to my writing.

My preference, as is true for many other writers, is a comment. I like to know that I have connected with someone. I respond to all comments though I may miss one from time to time. I did change my settings so comments from people I know appear right away. Since I only sit down once a day to write, my responses have a significant lag time, but they do get written. My comments are sometimes pretty brief as are the ones I sometimes receive. Other times we have a longer interaction if the topic calls for it. I have come to consider some writers around the world as my friends after months of comments back and forth. For me this is blogging’s most satisfying outcome.

46 thoughts on ““Revisiting the Like Button”

  1. P.S. That was intended to be a smiley face at the end of my last “comment,” but for some reason, it hasn’t been working.


  2. Sorry i liked the post. Couldn’t stop myself. I like likes as it shows engagement. I know some haven’t read the post but they’ve recognised it which i appreciate


  3. Like you, I prefer comments over likes, but I always have more likes than comments. At the end of the day, I appreciate all visits and interactions on my website. It’s enough to know that someone dropped by.

    Also, sometimes a post doesn’t really warrant a comment. It would be the equivalent of someone saying something and you nod or give some other cue to let them know you heard or you agree. That’s how I think of likes sometimes, and certainly how I sometimes use it.

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  4. I’m happy to receive ‘likes’ on my blog and welcome comments too! Your posts are always thought provoking though I can’t always come up with an intelligent comment! 🙂 I do try to comment at least occasionally on the blogs I follow and especially those who regularly comment on mine. (Seems only fair.) I also try leave an occasional comment on other blogs when I am inspired to do so, though often a ‘like’ must suffice. It does get a bit challenging if you follow a lot of blogs like I do.

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  5. I really enjoy seeing if people have ‘liked’ my blog posts – and love reciprocating that action too. I enjoy liking articles or blog posts I come across, because I don’t always have time to post a comment, no matter how much I might enjoy that particular post. Liking and commenting are both universal, I feel, in how a blogger communicates and scrolls through content and I’d be sad to see the ‘like’ button disappear.


  6. I also both like and comment, Elizabeth. I usually comments because I always read posts I like and often have a thought on the content I like to share with the owner. I also enjoy blogging for it’s much more engaging characteristics and I also regard my fellow bloggers, especially the regular correspondents, as friends.


    1. I do both also, though I usually comment unless it is a topic I really know nothing about. I have been delighted to come to think of other writers as friends. I had no idea that would be the outcome when I began doing this.

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  7. Likes and comments are always appreciated. However, like you I really value my relationships with other bloggers and their support and advice through the ups and downs of life. Priceless.


  8. I have had some followers for many years who only ever click ‘like’, and have never commented. I don’t mind that, but would not want to ever have a blog that attracted no comments, or genuine engagement. I suspect that some followers look at the title of the post in the reader, and decide it is not for them. That’s OK too. All part of the great network of blogging.
    Best wishes, Pete.

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  9. I confess it is (was) satisfying to see that line of Like icons stretching longer as my blog grows followers. I’ve given up that high for now but – like the wine – I may go back to it.

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  10. I click like when I enjoyed a blog but have nothing of quality to add. There are certain topics I gravitate toward and others I steer clear of. Sometimes I am surprised about some of my subjects that generate a lot of dialogue.

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  11. In my honest opinion, comments are best, but likes can be a tool as well. If a person just doesn’t connect with the post, or can’t find a way to comment, a like let’s me know the post was not a total dud, or turn off.

    There will be some that just click like to get our attention, in hopes we check them out. Personally, I’m more likely to check their blog if they left an engaging comment.

    Many times I overlook the like button accidentally. If I get notifications of posts on a blog, I visit the actual blog and interact there.


    1. I haven’t had too many likes from commercial sites. So I, like you, at least know that my post has connected. Sometimes there really isn’t anything to say beyond I like it.

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  12. I both “like & comment” most of the time on the blogs I follow, apart from commenting on their political happenings of their country, as I don’t think that’s my place to do that.
    I like to encourage my blogging friends in their great efforts & interesting topics 😀 …
    I’m happy to receive either or both. Although I do enjoy getting to know new friends. 😀
    Bless you Elizabeth,


  13. I am pretty much in accord with everything you’ve said, Elizabeth. I enjoy the back-and-forth that commenting adds to the initial post. There are times, however, when I don’t feel I have anything to add comment-wise, so I only use the “like” button. I suppose if someone has done away with their “like” button, I could comment “I enjoyed reading this,” or something just to let the blogger know….


  14. Wanted to hit like but given the nature of the post I thought I ought to comment and say I liked it. I’m fairly new to blogging and appreciate all interaction. The thing though that I do least and find hardest is comment. I need to make more of an effort.


  15. This is a great point! Why do you think that we are so much more inclined to “like” rather than comment? Is it part of a trend towards increasingly shallow human interactions in our culture? We reach out and desire feedback and attention from others, but so often forget to offer what we desire. And, in reality, it is in giving that we are filled. Thanks for your reflection!


  16. Nine months after you wrote this post, I stumbled upon it. I’m noticing how understanding you and your readers are about the way we read and the reasons we write. There’s room for everyone here, active or passive, busy or not. A like can mean many things including just saying hi and showing we’ve dropped in.


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