“Who’s The Boss?”

While it is possible to spend endless amounts of money on dog toys, it is just as easy to entertain Emmy with things we already have. Here she is content to pull against Charlie on a length of rope. It keeps them both amused and cost nothing.

I gifted her with a paper grocery bag which I opened and dropped near her. She has spent a lot of time making sure that the paper bag knows that it has met a fierce opponent. When she gets bored with it, I simply rearrange it and drop it again. For her it is a brand new adversary.

Sure she has the attention span of a rutabaga, but she is hilarious!

“Another County Heard From”

Years ago when my parents listened to the radio for election results, they would hear the announcer say “another county heard from.” This became an often heard comment in our family whether one of the younger kids woke from a nap or one of us chimed into a conversation not involving the kid speaking up. I heard the phrase long before I was told of its origin, and I thought for a long time that it was just a family line.

Now that Emmy, the Australian Shepherd puppy, has entered our life, I find myself saying “another county heard from” when she awakens in the middle of the night for her trip outside. We had been living with an elderly dog who was content to sleep, eat, wander from room to room and go out on our schedule. She had long ago outgrown “accidents.” The way to avoid puppies using the house instead of the yard is to take them out all the time when they are not in their crate. Emmy just sleeps overnight and at her afternoon nap in the crate. Otherwise Charlie and I rotate taking her out on the hour–even for him, odd for me. That MOSTLY works.

We are a little(or a lot)sleep deprived since neither of us can fall immediately back to sleep after going outside at 2am. Nonetheless she is a welcome addition to our family, another living creature sharing our home after too many quiet dog free months.

“Puppy Prep”

We met our dog trainer for a 90 minute Zoom meeting this morning in preparation for driving up to Vermont tomorrow to get our puppy. Her present name is Eleven since she was the 11th puppy in the litter, born after the breeder had gone to sleep rightfully assuming ten was sufficient. But then came Eleven. We are naming her Emmy after Emmy Lou Harris, well known to people our age I imagine. Our granddaughter also likes a pop singer named Emmy, so we all are happy with her name. I can’t see me standing outside yelling “Eleven, Eleven.” People would probably think it was a new QAnon password.

I got a little overwhelmed hearing about the needs of a new puppy since it had been 15 years since we had one. We learned about crate training, potty breaks, feeding, and initial socialization. I forgot for a short while that I really miss having a dog around and a dog starts out as a puppy! After we spoke with her this morning we remembered bringing home new babies and how disruptive they are for a while. Fortunately dogs mature much faster than little humans.

I will post a few pictures of Eleven/Emmy as soon as I take some. For a few days I will probably share the joys and travails of a new creature in the family.

“Attention must be paid..”

We live in Connecticut, nicknamed “the land of steady habits.” Depending on your outlook on life this is either a compliment or a criticism. Over the years many residents have moved out of the state. In early days it was to seek new horizons in hope of a better life. Today it is to seek new horizons in hope of a better life. Years ago it meant moving West seeking more space. Today it means moving South with the promise of better weather and lower taxes. Some of us stay put.

Zorrie, a short novel by Laird Hunt, published in 2021, settles us down with a woman who pretty much stayed put. She lived in Indiana, but it really could have been in many overlooked places around the country.In Death of A Salesman, Arthur Miller’s 1949 play, Linda, Willie Loman’s wife, says “attention must be paid” to a man like her husband, working in obscurity, never leaving a huge mark on the world. Hunt seems to take the same approach with Zorrie, though in a less melancholy way. She is born, orphaned, married, widowed, employed, unemployed, a farmer, a neighbor, and a friend. Her obituary won’t be found in the New York Times or in the compilation of lives we have lost each year.

But what does it mean to live a “good life?” What does it mean to stay put? I found that after I finished my time with the main character Zorrie, I pondered these questions once again. The book won’t keep you up at night with its tension, but it may give you pause to reflect on who really matters in the world.

“I Joined the Crowd”

Taking a break from my whole house reorganizing, I sat down with the New York Times Sunday paper. Opening it I found the above photo and accompanying article. Apparently, unbeknownst to me, I had joined a huge community across the United States busily shedding unnecessary items. The thrift stores are overflowing, the charity shops are having to rent extra storage space, and organizing books are best sellers.

Here I thought I was just puttering along, taking care of things like the attic chaos that had bothered me for some time. Who knew I was part of a large scale clean out? One of the troubles of being a member of the gigantic bulge in the boa constrictor known as the baby boom is the constant reminder that I am not special! It has hit me across the years of course, but I was reminded of it when I saw that piece in the paper.

It sent me back to fondue pots. Yes, I thought of fondue pots. Now I hope that any others my age have now remembered that pot poised over a sterno can and the little forks that came with the set, a required gift for every baby boomer wedding. Cheese or sirloin seemed to be the only two choices, but we all felt quite adult around the hot oil or cheese. Then there were the Chemex coffee pots. Everyone I knew had one.

I find the subterranean tranmission of shared possessions and activities amusing. Somehow, without any obvious cue, I learn I am behaving just like thousands of people my age. And then, of course, there is this very blog!

“Murder Least Foul”

I was introduced to the mystery The Thursday Murder Club by a church book group. While I never Zoomed the meeting that month, I did devour the book. Apparently well known to many, but not at all to me, Osman has written an engaging and often laugh out loud funny mystery. Starring a group of amateur sleuths in an assisted living facility, the book finds our motley crew facing an actual murder. Up until then they had tried to solve unsolved murders.

Admitting a bias, since the cleverest(sneakiest?) member is named Elizabeth, I loved the constant surprises in plot and quirky characteristics of each resident. Fortunately the book lacked overly gory details, heart stopping suspense and grinding and thrusting. As you know I don’t enjoy any of that in my mysteries.

No sooner had I finished the book then I saw he had written a second, The Man Who Died Twice. I promptly sped through it too. These aren’t long, convoluted reads. I read each one straight through in two evenings.(If I stayed up later, I could have finished each in one evening!)

So if your brain needs a break from debt ceilings, infrastructure debate, gas shortages, mask mandates and booster shots, I recommend you pick up Osman’s books.

“Not That Woodstock”

Woodstock, Vermont

The puppies were on a large estate outside the town of Woodstock, Vermont. I did have to clarify to my granddaughter that it wasn’t THE Woodstock of music festival fame. When we were in the state a few weeks ago we hadn’t driven quite as far west as Woodstock, but the town looked appealing. I had hoped that we might have lunch there after we visited the puppies.

Yankee Magazine, a widely distributed publication about New England, publishes a yearly “Foliage Issue,” directing readers to ways to enjoy the fall colors. In this year’s copy the story “31 Perfect Fall Days” caught my attention before we headed north. To my dismay, day 19 was “Be Wooed by Woodstock,” suggesting a visit to “America’s prettiest small town.” But maybe it wouldn’t be overrun.

Nope. It was totally full of cars, pedestrians and many cameras. We had to drive through to get to the farm, but it was clear we wouldn’t eat there. It was so difficult to get back onto the road that I didn’t get to see the shops since I was looking out for oncoming traffic. Even spots further east, which had been peaceful, were now also packed with visitors.

We finally settled for bagels from Dunkin Donuts and drove back home. Sadly, by the time we have to head north again on October 23 to get our puppy, foliage will be peaking. We will take a sack lunch!

“Possible Puppy”

Since our dog died in the late spring we have experienced a first time ever in our marriage dogless house. We weren’t in a hurry to get a puppy because we needed time to grieve. But after a time we began to seriously discuss getting another dog. I was drawn to the idea of a smaller dog, perhaps some kind of terrier, but then I remembered how much I dislike yipping. So in the end, we decided to look for another Australian Shepherd, a breed we have owned for the last 30 years.

After connecting with the breeder who sold us Grace, our last dog, we were referred to a woman in Vermont, about two and a half hours north of us. We let her know of our interest and she told us of a litter expected at the end of August. That litter, of ELEVEN puppies, produced six female and five male puppies, all either red and white or black and white, similar to our previous dogs.

Yesterday we took one grandchild, drove up to Vermont and met the puppies. The one above immediately climbed into my grandchild’s lap and proceeded to check my husband and me out. Apparently we passed the test, since she then licked and nibbled on us both. Although we may end up with a different pup from this bunch, we hope that this is ours. The breeder naturally tries to match the puppies with the new owners, but she thinks this one will do quite well for us. She is loving and energetic but not the most energetic of the lot. We know the breed is active, but we passed on the most outgoing of the bunch. We will let some younger owners channel the leader of the pack.

We will bring one puppy home from Vermont on October 24. With the chaos gone from the attic, we will have the chaos of a new puppy. I can’t wait.