Dog Days


We are in the middle of our second heat wave of the summer. This one has very high humidity, and the weather forecasters keep up the cheery news: “It’s 96 degrees out, but it feels like 110!” As if they are excited with the discrepancy. Once it gets past 90, it’s all the same to me.

Our dog fails to see the humor when I tell her “It’s dog days!” She’s onto me. She won’t even stay outside after barking to be let out. She stares back balefully at me after 30 seconds on the porch. She seems to be chastising me with “where was the warning before you opened the door?”

“You are supposed to be a sheep dog,” I remind her. “Out in the field all day, despite heat, rain or snow.” She curls up in front of the air conditioner and goes back to sleep.


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