
I am demonstrating a favorite trick in the photo above, tossing my toys out of the play pen so that someone will have to walk over and put them back. I am seeking attention however I might get it. The Pope’s Peace Prayer’s next line is “where there is sensationalism, let us use sobriety.”

Everyone seems to be screaming for our attention. The news runs seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. There really isn’t any more news than there ever was, so broadcasters have to come up with sensationalism to get and keep our attention. “Breaking News!” “We interrupt this program for an important announcement.” “Stay tuned for our big story!” Many of the television commentators are so breathless you would think they just ran to the camera holding this exciting story.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a chance to soberly consider what is really important and what is just sensationalism. In the United States there are already long discussions about who will win the elections that are six months away. Of course, no one knows, but that hasn’t stopped the excited predictions. If you watch television, you would also think we have gone from the brink of war with North Korea to Donald Trump deserving the Nobel Peace Prize. What?

I hope we can all unplug from the hysteria called news and quietly go about our lives. They may not be very sensational, but they are solid and meaningful.

11 thoughts on ““DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION?”

  1. Yes Elizabeth, I totally agree… we need to have time out from all the bombardment of speculation, sensationalism & political agendas it is just too much assault upon our senses & mind space!


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